Asset Pipeline

ALPACA has a complete automated asset pipeline. Every project has a data-src folder with the source asset files like ".spine" files and a data folder for runtime optimised files. The content of the data folder is generated automatically via the prepare_assets script.

⚠️ All changes have to be made in the data-src folder. Otherwise changes will be overwritten.

The data-src folder has to have the following structure:

    ├── audio                 # All audio as .ogg files
    ├── config
    │   └── game.json         # Game config file
    ├── dialog
    │   └── dialogs.schnack   # Schnack file
    ├── fonts                 # Fonts in .ttf format
    ├── icons                 # Game icons (512 x 512 WebP file)
    ├── scenes                # All scene definition files
    └── scripts               # All Lua scripts


The prepare_assets script is a one file Python script that handles all files ALPACA needs. Before you can run the python file you have to install the dependencies via pipenv

For the Windows release of ALPACA the prepare_assets script is bundled into prepare_assets.exe and can be run withpot python installed.